Cos'è VyncsFleet?
VyncsFleet is powered by Agnik's connected car technology developed over many years
winning many awards such as 2016 Fleet Logistics Tech Outlook Top-10 Fleet Management
Solution Provider for smartphone-based telematics product, CIO Review 2015 20 Most
Promising Automotive Technology Solution Providers, and 2010 Frost & Sullivan North
American Enabling Technology of the Year Award in Commercial Vehicle Telematics.
For a full list of features, click here
Come funziona?
VyncsFleet collects data from your vehicle's OBD-II port using the VyncsLink device, and supplements it with GPS and accelerometer data from within the device. Questi dati vengono analizzati e elaborati dai nostri algoritmi per poi venire inviati al cloud tramite rete wireless Puoi accedere a tutti i dati dei tuoi veicoli usando il portale web VyncsFleet.